Pharmacogenetic report

- Why are they important in improving your health?

Genes are known for containing information that dictates traits from your eye colour to your height. These genes are passed from your parents. Genes have the power to affect the effectiveness of certain medicines.  This is why the use of Pharmacogenetic reports are recommended to use for patients.

Pharmacogenetic reports also called DNA Drug Sensitivity Testing, are the studies of a which show how certain types of medicines affect the body. The test is usually taken from blood or saliva. The tests can be used to find out:

  • The effect of a specific medicine
  • The best dosage for you
  • The side effects of the medicine

This provides patients with information that is worth knowing beforehand undergoing surgery or being administered medications. Therefore, this provides information that helps show health care providers the genes that indicate the medicines and dosages that are necessary for you. This is the reason as to why CircaGene believe that when these tests are 

This form of testing is highly recommended as when taking medicines it may not work and could potentially bring about negative side effects. The reports can analyse prescribed drugs, over the counter medications, vitamins and more. Below is an example of medicines and genes used to test the medicine’s effectiveness:

  • Medicine: Antidepressants, epilepsy 

Genes tested: CYP2D6, CYPD6 CYP2C9, CYP1A2, SLC6A4, HTR2A/C

  • Medicine: Opioids

Genes tested: OPRM1

  • Medicine for Breast Cancer: Tamoxifen

Genes tested: CYPD6

Pharmacogenetic tests provide a guide to identifying drugs and dosages that patients will benefit from and simultaneously minimising the need for “trial and error” and Adverse Drug Events when administering a dose to a patient.